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Puppy Mills

Puppy Mills
Stop the Horror

What you can do

What you can do
Their are animals like this all over the world, some can be saved and some can't

Monday, January 11, 2010

Dog fighting

Dog fighting is bad for dogs because it could injury and or kill one of the dogs. Pitbulls are the main dogs for dog fighting but that doesn't mean that all pitbulls are bad. If you have a suspicion about dog fighting or any other form of animal fighting the immedietly report it. EVEN if it's Just a suspicion. Many people dogfight but they don't care about the animals or anyone else. Just the money they make from there dog killing another one. The dog fighting is not the only problem. It is also the dog training. They will chain dogs to a treadmill for hours untill they collapse, for them to gain muscle. They (the dog fighter's) also will feed the dog's other little dogs to make them like blood and like to kill. Most importantly do NOT blame the dog, it's not their fault.

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